John W. Boushka, Items Previously
Published by Others
(legal name: John
William Boushka)
My two
books and this web page are "self-published." The following items by
me have been published by others:
A portion of Chapter 3 of my first DADT book
(1997) (Do Ask Do Tell: A Gay Conservative Lashes Back) was reproduced by The
Ninth Street Center with permission. The links are no longer there. Today the sites are and �� My own copy of the
chapter is here (to be moved soon).
My review of Paul Rosenfels�s
book Homosexuality: The Psychology of the Creative Process was at one time republished by the Ninth Street Center
with permission. My own site copy is here (to be moved soon).
Ground Zero News (PO Box 1982, Colorado Springs, CO, 80901) Frank
Whitworth was the editor when these items were published (around 1994).
1994, "A Question of
Honor" (Review of Joe Steffan's Honor Bound,
as published by Villard in 1992).
Jan. 1995 "Perils of Rebuttable Presumptions"
March 1995 "Military Ban:
Constitutional Questions and Policy Proposal," including June 1993 White House Letter.
September 1995. "A Gay Libertarian's
Viewpoint: Limited Government, Social Justice, and Personal Freedom: It's Time
for a Real Right-to-Privacy Amendment"
January 1996: "Debating
Family Values Honestly" (also printed by the
newsletter of the Baptist Fellowship of Washington DC,
Forward Observer, published by Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Veterans of
America, editor Mack Thomas
Summer 1995 "Thoughts on the Ban, A
Libertarian View," similar to March 1993 GZN article.
Winter 1998 "Ninth Inning for the
Military Ban" (available here).
Minnesota Libertarian, published by the Libertarian Party of
May-June 1998: "To Win Converts We Must
Win Arguments" (available here or here), became
Appendix 7 of Our Fundamental Rights
October 1998: "Is Libertarianism Good
for Lesbians and Gay Men" (available here),
became Appendix 8 of Our Fundamental Rights
July 1999: "Child Online Protection Act
Would Suppress Adult Free Speech" (available here)
March 2000: �Don�t Ask, Don�t Tell 2000 (available here)
The Quill, published by Gays and Lesbians for Individual Liberty (website no longer valid). Dave Edmondson was editor until January 1995, when I
became Editor. Address is
Here is the index to the
archive of Quill�s at hppub.
August 1994 "A Conservative's Approach
to Individual Rights and Responsibilities" (available here)
October 1994: "A Question of Honor"
(same as December 1994 Ground Zero News). (available here)
March 1995: Editorials:
"The Workplace" and "On the Military Ban"
September 1995: Editorial:
"Talk Radio"
August 1996: "A Right to Privacy
Amendment?" (available here)
July 1997: Editorial:
"Crossroads for Freedom of Speech"
March 1998: "What's the Connection
Between Personal Growth and Politics" (available here)
and "Real Estate Paradoxes" (available here).
December 1998: "The Child Online
Protection Act" and "Psychological Libertarianism"
Quill's between
1995 and March 1998 all contain a news summary section, "What's Happening
in Our World" which I write.
The Washington Times has published
four Letters to the Editor by me. They are (1)
US News and World Report, Blue Chip, published a letter by me on "gay witchhunts" on
D-Magazine (
The Washington Blade published my "paraphrase of the military
ban" on
�Business Ethics, Professionalism, and the
Workplace: Information Systems (1997): published at, no longer available
I also developed (for hire) a multiple choice test for Brainbench in 2002 (25 questions) in Microsoft Access, but I no longer have it; the copyright belongs to them. I did ask a question about "conflict of interest" over Internet speech that got their attention!
Apparently the 1997 link was for this item:�� available here
Public speaking engagements: ("Public
speaking is very easy." Al Gore (or was it Dan Quayle??), Oct. 1995)
I am published in an
Wells, Ken R. Teenage Sexuality: Opposing Viewpoints.
have a contribution on p. 183 'Homosexuality Should Be Discussed in High
Schools', in a chapter called 'What Should Teens Be Taught About
Sex?' p 168
link: This is part of the Opposing Viewpoints Series.
The original essay text was this: July 1997: "Editorial: Teaching about Homosexuality in Public High Schools"
Much older publications:
"Family Men," in The
Gay Old Times,
"Freedom and
Personal Responsibility," Understanding,
Master's Thesis for M.A. Degree in Mathematics, Jan. 1968, at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Introduction to Master's Thesis
Minimax Rational Function Approximation
Furthermore, a reconstructed freshman English theme for the 1961 class discussed in the book, regarded as "third party" since it is an academic assignment.
Interview of me by "Call Me Ignorant #24" on Bitchute: Interview of me June 2019. OK, Youtube has a problem with this and needs to be on a "free-speech" platform"? That is wokeness.
End of Index