Links to Understanding Materials and 1978 newsletter. My essay on freedom and responsibility appeared in May 1978
Discussion of the Principles
A child usually conceives of
freedom as the "right" to do anything he wants whenever he wants,
perhaps as long as it doesn't "hurt" anyone else. When we grow up
freedom becomes the opportunity to make decisions for ourselves, develop our
own values and take responsibility for our own actions.
Much of the rhetoric during the
1976 political campaign dealt with what economic and social decisions (value
judgments) a central government should make for us. Our civilization approaches
a singular critical point in history as the finite natural resources it has
grown accustomed to exploiting now dwindle. Decisions made by the so-called
"free market place" - short term economic interests may hasten
catastrophe by prolonging wasteful practices profitable only in the short run.
There is no question that we do need a coherent, centralized national plan to
deal with this problem, just as we would need one to defend our freedoms
against military attack.
However, gradual
decentralization of our economy
and encouragement of personal initiative and generosity may,
in the long run, reduce our need to have big government dictate morality and
have government take care of poor people who are unpleasant to face
person-to-person. For example, use of solar energy in principle allows the
individual homeowner to install and maintain his own apparatus; use of nuclear
power requires complex administration of safety and constant surveillance for
The central issue for personal
freedom however, is still the individual's making his own decisions about his
personal life, and his accepting responsibility for them.
Responsibility in an interconnected society requires that everyone take his own
job seriously and not leave details to someone else.
In Communist countries there is
thoroughly centralized planning and usually a genuine attempt to provide
everyone with bare adaptive necessities but the individual is not allowed to
develop his own personal values. In
Individual differences are taken
to follow mostly from lucky inheritance and to bear little relation to basic
"survival competence". No one is allowed to develop his own surplus
in life for his own purposes until the fundamental "adaptive" needs
of everyone have been met. No one is allowed to use group (religious, ethnic)
associations and commitments to bolster his own ego. Consumer technology is
viewed with suspicion enabling some persons to obtain convenience or advantage
at the expense of others less aware or conscious of what is happening.
According to many religious
theologies, individual human rights are not innate but are granted by God to
serve a predetermined purpose. Some people can
find liberty in spiritual surrender to God and to the
uncritical humanitarian service to the needs of others which must follow.
Unfortunately men in power often use religious (or political) collective
allegiances to support group "manifest destiny" which supported by
religious fervor throws nations at each others throats and again threatens
catastrophe for the entire planet. When this happens, the individual is no
longer supposed to understand what he believes, or relate it to anything unique
in himself. Soon he is no longer responsible for his own life; he is
automatically "OK" as a person because he follows his particular
religion. He may even feel he has the right to impose the "moral
code" of his own particular religion on others not of his faith.
The purpose of this very general
discussion is to suggest that humans start in attacking social and economic
problems. Whatever one's personal experience with some particular controversial
political or moral issue, thinking should start with what encourages the individual
to work on his own happiness. The lives of citizens (and families) in any
territory should be more important than someone's idea of the destiny of his
own group. Responsibility at the individual level can do much toward producing
wealth without destroying the planet and toward sharing it equitably.