PRESCIENCE Treatment    (screenplay/ science fiction)  (and Trilogy summary)




A teenage computer hacker learns of an upcoming alien attack and prepares himself and his friends only to survive it.  The aliens save them for a final, utopian experiment.




JARED STONE, a precious high school senior who impresses adults whom he meets at a local Unitarian church, is playing with his web server at home when he deciphers messages that predict an incoming alien attack.


In the mean time, there is a media report that all of the electronics in a particular well-to-do neighborhood is out, as if by an e-bomb.


He has a part-time job fixing computers at homes and visits BILL LDZETT, an elderly gay man, at his high rise apartment building. He has met Bill at the Unitarian church and whimsically promised Bill a swimming lesson.


At Bill’s place, they calculate the arrival of the first spaceship and then go to the apartment solarium (and natatorium) and spot a shooting star in the evening sky that may be the craft.


(Note: to fit TR, he might have made a visit to Bill a few years ago and be older now at the time of the attack. He might have heard about Bill’s jailing for involvement with a minor.)


Next day, right after the stock market closes, the craft lands in a major suburb, slowly, looking first like an asteroid with the fiery tale on the wrong side.


Within a few hours people who watched the event are streaming into hospital emergency rooms blind. Authorities go into the nearby neighborhoods and find many of the residents dead, many of them already transforming into “grays.” Some of them had started transforming a few days before with massive hair loss.


CNN covers this for a while, and then in many sections of the country there are complete power blackouts.


Jared deciphers a message on his computer warning him that he will go blind soon unless he meets one of the aliens at a bar. He is to bring along a friends whom he has told about the message. He is surprised that bars will even be open after this catastrophe and uses a fake id to get in.


He meets the alien, KAL, who is a super tall but good looking man (according to Bill’s ideas), who takes him and Bill into the space ship in a special private chopper. KAL also has the fake id.


Inside they are met by rather human looking people, who tell him that they can keep their sight if they move to another planet.  They will go on a reconnaissance and Bill and Jared will get to pick whom they bring.  Jared will not be able to bring his younger sister, who also went blind.  But on the new planet they will have to fit in to the social order there.


They go clubbing and shopping—the stores are open again but the markets aren’t nobody knows when there will be another attack. Then there is a second attack in another city, so many people, going blind, line up to be on the ship.


Once on board, they are given medical examinations and put to sleep for the journey.


Once they reach the new planet about 80 LY away, they are put on a streetcar train. Though they were sleeping, they seem to have aged about 8 years. They view scenery that rather resembles a mix of AmJareda in the 50s with Soviet-Style housing complexes very much crowded into the cities.  They have a decent reception with rather simple Asian-like food (though some rather bizarre creatures) and Jared gives the swimming lesson. He is already “maturing.”


They are told they are going to a place called “Baltimore” but when they arrive they find no city, just a run-down factory place. The people are segregated into groups. Kal takes Jared to go with him but sends Bill and a young woman together on an older train to a rickety farm, with a girl friend MALI. Bill is told he will have to earn his place and “pay his dues” first.


There is a political system based on meritocracy, but no fiat money (at least on top). The most talented young adults live in the cities, in segregated housing. Gays are accepted and somewhat treasured. They go to the areas around Baltimore to do their menial work (“pay your dues”), but otherwise work on technology. Only the people who live in “Urbana” and visit either “Baltimore” or “Grand Rapids” get to use technology (and “Grand Rapids” is a kind of military “special training company”).  Baltimore is on a seacoast, inundated with canals, and said to be susceptible of once in an epoch storms; Urbana is a more high-rise city on safer and higher if unspectacular ground. Once a year members vote on 80% who stay. (You can’t vote for yourself.) The others must go to the countryside (next paragraph) and must be married and be ready to have kids, lest they become “grays.” The music at “Metropolis” (Urbana) follows that of pop stars and lacks the recesses of western classical music. The “best” people come in once a month and take away the “losers” to the camps.


The society has experimented with family values. It used to be that only residents of Urbana had children, and they still do, hoping for the “best children.” But the birth rate was too low, so the second line class at Baltimore is encouraged now to be fecund. Since a lot of the residents are rather unattractive and viewed as rejects, they still have a hard time maintaining a population. There are rumors that family life is better, after all, on the
frontier, “on the outside,” where people live in small, primitive communities (and must function in families or else become grays.)


The train takes them to a quaint residential community where there are no modern conveniences, no electricity, except at one community center, where they can communicate with the central “Urbana” (Baltimore is just a shell) and the galactic community. Residents are assigned tasks. Bill develops a good social reputation with his piano playing and starts composing a legacy of western-style classical music. Gradually they turn into people who look like Grays unless they succeed in familial relationships, and Bill and Mali become intimate enough for her to get pregnant. Not only does Bill keep his sight but he starts looking younger and becoming more competent at manly things. Jared gets to go back to Urbana to be part of the ruling class (though he will live in or commute from the housing complexes in “Grand Rapids” as a kind of Apprentice).  The best parties, though, and break dances are in Urbana (the 50s complex) and people seem to be graded on how they come off in the break dances, that are a bit like the Mayan ball games. So Jared will be part of the middle class.


Bill finds Tobey and finds out he is an angel. Non-angels have to have training to qualify.


Bill finds out that some of the “heterosexuals with families” live around vacant Baltimore, in suburbs, without too much technology while they raise kids. If they had the kids young enough, they can go back to Urbana as desirable adults. Bill finds he will get a chance to make it as a family man in Baltimore burbs.


Bill gets to make trips to Baltimore Center to visit Jared with “glances”, kind of like visiting a friend who got to go to a better school. Jared attracted to Bill’s love of music, which he misses at Urbana. But he also learns of the Dark Side, a wasteland outside of the farm communities where the truly incompetent are discarded like Spartan rejects.


Jared is prospering, and finds out more about what happens to the “losers” – they are turned out to keep to their own kind so they do not burden the “freedom” of the “angels.” But angelic status is hard to keep, and the people in the countryside outside Baltimore have recently been allowed to change fiat money.  When people get kicked out they sometimes are treated to a “break dance” ritual for ultimate pleasure, but Bill watches this rather than experiences, and finds it unsatisfactory to watch fallen men get defrocked.


Bill gets sent to Grand Rapids anyway, for some special training, where he sees failures being turned out to survive alone in the neo-mountains until they die. There is a bit of a real city here, with some technology. Here Bill learns how it works in Urbana, and is worried about what is happening to Jared. For example, residents rate each other once a month, and the “best” men do the raids to ship the losers to Baltimore or sometimes Grand Rapids. Jared got to be on the aggressive side of one of the raids. But Bill wonders what will happen to Jared at tribulations. Kal, it seems, has failed his own tribulation and been sent to Grand Rapids to live (he doesn’t get pass privileges to Urbana like Jared).. Bill sees him, as rather barren now.


Bill helps Kal escape back to his own “Baltimore” suburban commune, where Kal takes a liking to Mali before disintegrating and dying. Also, Bill now learns how the colonies around “Balimoreturn the “failures” into grays rather than letting them perish in the wildnerness, because the nearby climate is milder. But before becoming grays, some of the “failures,” after finding out about the rural civilization outside the cities, decide they want to secede and build another city without technology but completely based on money.  This has been going on for some time, and Bill finds out that the civilization “on the outside” is a bit more advanced than he had heard. (There is a parallel to being inside an asylum!) This is kind of the exurban culture that is willing to go back to a “natural” way of living that doesn’t depend on cities. There are questions about why money isn’t extended to the cities, and the argument is that money alone would corrupt the deeper meaning of merit. But the immediate suburbs around Baltimore are for successful or “functionable” “families” who can return to Urbana. The colonies extend quite far into the countryside in a grid with a number of other towns, like on a board game.


(dream add-on): Bill learns that he can get back to Urbana by passing trials. Jared is being expected to pass them. It is a circular Fermi-like track, some of it underground and underwater, with various physical tests like swimming and getting out of a kayak. Bill has trouble, stops at a writing camp, then opts out (“quits”) and views his performance on a theater screen, and then prepares to see what has happened back home (limited perhaps by General relativity).


   Bill shows that the social order on this Mini-Earth are a projection of his own thoughts from back home. So in a way, even his intentions, without direct aggression, became “harmful” just as a thought experiment.


He also learns now, from Kal, that the new earth is going to be approached by a brown dwarf, that gets more visible every night.


A year later they (he and Mali) have a child, PAUL, thoroughly normal and human, and Bill wants to him back to earth.  This is so even after the view earth and see if it set back 200 years by e-bombs set off by the grays. (They have a faster-than-light i.t.) Jared has now grown into manhood himself, when he visits, reigniting old gay feelings. Jared shows him what has happened to many of the immigrants. They have become grays. Finally, he is shown how to dial in to find out what has happened on earth. What he sees does not make him want to return. The good people escaped, and what is left are grays.  They seemed to have gotten that way by a virus that dulled them. Then it is apparent that this “Earth 2” is a cut-down replica society where only the “best” can lead a creative life.


The brown dwarf passes, Baltimore is flooded, but the Atlantis-like Urbana is destroyed.

 Bill will move back to “Baltimore” and help “rebuild” it and fit into a Utopian society, but with one catch. His taste for music is left behind, to entertain the grays. He no longer has his musical gifts. The society of perfect men that he serves is one of simple rituals and aestheticism, and that is all that is left for him to live for.  But now, without a functioning Urbana, their society starts to fall apart. Only a few characters, like Jared and Kal, can hold together. The rule was:  People who “fail” there get sent to the countryside to prove they can make it in family life or become grays. Now Jared’s time as a “chosen one” will end soon and he would have to go to the country and prove himself. Now, he is valued by other Chosen Ones since he had survived the cataclysm without ill effects. But Jared has been working on his escape to go back to Earth, although there is no way he could make it without aging. He undergoes a “tribunal” and partially survives it (even he could become a Gray otherwise), but escapes anyway. 


Bill and Mali reconcile themselves to building a new home life for Paul, and maybe they can start over in this simpler planet. 




Jared might have been a younger friend of Matthiias, saw him go up. Maybe a son of Erin.

Jared might stop on Titan before journey to other planet.





Pre – Jared helps Bill (virus infection danger to others – stake) on computer

Situation – Jared predicts, sees spacecraft land, will go blind himself (grays, blind) (stake – grow to body concern) unless he meets Kal.   Kal recounts some history of Bill (music)

Opportunity – Mormon-like space travel with Kal, separated from Bill and Tove to planet. Kal promises Bill that Jared will be cured of diabetes if left alone

  Sent to training in Grand Rapids (to be the elite man – stake), Bill sent  to farm  Jared must qualify for the upper class and be cured of diabetes, Bill has to prove family solidarity

Recognition – Tove has baby, stillborn because Bill didn’t love her enough.  Bill in “dark session” (ability to adapt – stake) where his male buddy rejects him, but Bill takes new girl friend  and travels to Grand Rapids to be with Jared, who has grown in glory.  Jared learns that Kal has been “threatened” 

  They travel to Urbana and see Kal get kicked out (bald in legs)

  Bill and Mali have a kid and have gotten socialized in the “capitalist” section with Bill’s music (stake)

  Crisis – Jared must go to country to prove self—because he doesn’t want the ritual.

It’s better to go back to earth – but he has to have tribunal anyway.  He can raise Bill’s kid on Earth as Bill dies.   




Mathematics is the one subject that cannot change from one planet to the next (except for spherical geometry, a little).


©Copyright 2003/2005 by Bill Boushka





Jared, 17, at home hacks into alien communications

Presents his film on hacking, meets Bill

Visit Bill as a client (intimate)

Next day, alien attack on suburbs, people who looked at it are blinded

Bill will be blind in a few days

Jared learns he can save sight if he goes along with aliens and abducts other teens

He rounds some up at Saloon

He agrees to take Bill

Suburb wiped out by EMP\

Entire countru wiped out

They go to island planet


TRILOGY FICTION CONCEPT  (3 novels or 3 scripts)


Prescience is envisioned as the last of a trilogy which could become a series of three novels.


There is an underlying “supernatural” process. The memories and consciousness of a finite number of “souls” (up to 144000 in Revelations) is transmitted to people through a virus (like a retrovirus). A person can be “infected” and if strong enough he/she will know the consciousness of at least one of these persons as well as his current consciousness, and will live forever as an Angel as long as he obeys certain rules of behavior..) He cannot have children, and he has only temporal access to sexuality, which he eventually outgrows. Angels who fail to outgrow this die and are not saved. (Note: an “Angel” is not the same thing as a vampire, unless he indulges himself in his own vanity; there are no “gee whiz” scenes of biting that have been common in horror films or even in serious treatments of immortality in the past.) Other persons infected do not approach this kind of “supernova” personality and are challenged, and must either become socialized or die. Still many more become psychotic and die. In a few cases, persons (including angels who die or persons who do not quite qualify) seem to change body parts and can disguise themselves. Publicly, most ordinary people infected live at high altitudes or in areas of high pollution where there is less oxygen content in the air. Because of the disease, high altitude areas of the country become uninhabitable and are mass-evacuated rather suddenly.  Eventually this happens to many large cities because of pollution.


Novel 1: Rain on the Snow


The book has a two-movement “Beethoven 31st Sonata” structure of a sonata (a development of many characters who crisscross) and a “Tema con Variozioni” where one character Bill goes through an Academy and then prison experience to train him for the Purification. He escapes and will change forever. The book takes several characters through the plot-structure “beat” process (Setup, opportunity, plan change, point of no return, crisis or setback, “payoff” resolution or staging for next story). Up to five major characters are protagonists of the novel and have major personal outcomes. 


The novel traces the development of two angels, Matt and Tobey, whose paths gradually cross because of familial associations. Matt will be the son of Naomi, who has another son, Ethan, in the early 1980s. She buys a Dallas condo from a middle aged gay man, Bill, who then moves away. Her husband becomes ill and mysteriously leaves, but then another midwife and former prostitute, Tovina, arrives to shepherd through the birth of Matt, which happens at an undetermined time in the late 1980s. She goes through job loss (as a teacher and then fitness instructor) that brings her into contact with a former student, Josh, who becomes a hotshot young lawyer.  Josh has connections to a fallen “angel” Femeri, from Russia, who has hired a former but now ex-gay boyfriend of Bill to help build a series of re-education camps around the country for the Purification.


Tobey has grown up in the Pacific northwest, has jetsetting parents. He has overcome childhood leukemia miraculously and starts developing unusual intellectual powers while maintaining basic good (but not supernatural) physical fitness. Matt, on the otherhand, grows to great height and is taken by angels to Titan, the outpost in the solar system to bridge the physical world of Man with higher beings of God and Urantia.  He returns to earth and finishes high school and college while “adopted” with a Mormon family in Utah.


Bill’s life has picked up with the publication of a book “Do Ask Do Tell” in which he (with an autobiographical perspective) examines the civil rights issues for homosexuals on a libertarian perspective, and the counterargument that heterosexual institutions provide a socialization which enables most people to take care of others and deal with hardships by forcing them to accept a certain faith when they have children. Tobey, in grad school, comes into his life, and draws Bill into the clutches of Femeri, somewhat out of belief that he is helping Bill find a new life after job loss and personal family catastrophe.


The second half of the book takes him to the Academy in West Texas, where he gradually comes into contact with Matt. Finally, he has an intimate encounter with Matt,  (questionable due to Josh’s manipulations of the records), in which Matt dies (he breaks the rules) but Bill takes on some of his characteristics, and oddly some of Tobey. Bill has also learned about the secret (but not hacker-proof) stories about the new “disease.” Bill gradually reverts, is arrested, and sent to prison. In jail he has “therapy” but Tovina arrives for conjugal visits, which cause him to change again into a disguise. In the meantime, Tobey goes to Titan for a quick registration visit for his angelic training. Tobey comes back as Bill is staging a breakout of prison in Arizona.  Bill escapes to a secret camp in Wisconsin where he undergoes secret initiation rites that he has dreaded all of his life. But he changes permanently into one of the 144000 even though he is not supposed to be able to.


Novel 2: Tribunal and Rapture


This sequel is told through the eyes of one of the perpetrators of the Academy, an African American West Point grunt named Ali, who had been one of the first blacks to really do well at West Point in the 60s. His legs were burned in a raid in Vietnam in the 70s, and then amputated after an auto accident in Montana in the late 1970s near a religious commune. He believes that the accident was a collision with a UFO. The following synopsis dates back to 2001 and may not fit exactly the other novels with character names, etc. This is still being worked out.


Premise:  American society is quickly and progressively threatened by a new virus that reincarnates the “souls” of those religiously “chosen” in Biblical times and overlays these “souls” onto current victims, while at the same time these same entities provide at last a way for today’s “chosen people” to escape to other worlds. In particular, a retiring African American FBI agent seeks to rebuild his own family so that he can escape, while (in a layered plot) an aging homosexual man, recruited into training for homeland defense in the trying days to come, stumbles onto tasting again his biological youth.  While both social collectivism (particularly communism) and excess individualism have reduced “traditional family values,” escape from societal collapse might depend upon rebuilding the idea of family and lineage within a closed escape environment.


Plot Synopsis


The hero is a religious 60-year-old African-American, Ali Mogul, who approaches the end of a long career as a decorated (and twice badly wounded) Army officer, defense contractor, and FBI sleuth. He has become separated from his wife and estranged from his rather sissy-boy son because the “real life” associated with family performance seems mundane compared to the disconnected creativity that he discovers in those he investigates and that he would like to develop within himself.


After an older alleged sex criminal whom Ali had helped apprehend escapes from an Arizona prison by inciting violence at a work detail, another informant (Frank L’Istesso) from a civilian defense training academy invites Ali to join a clandestine intelligence school (in Virginia) where law enforcement, intelligence and military officers learn to use extrasensory perception and remote viewing to investigate possible terrorist threats.


During his first viewing he learns that the real threat really derives from the tribulation processes roughly like those in the Bible. Startled that his own “faith” and personhood will be challenged, he first throws up and then capitulates with a major heart attack.  He had gotten himself into psychic intelligence as a kind of self-indulgence.  Now, facing mandatory coronary bypass surgery and recuperation, he realizes that he must rebuild his small family, not just to survive, but to understand his first viewing. 


His Caucasian ex-wife, an accomplished orthopedic surgeon, has learned of a major public health threat, a new virus that gives its victims very bizarre psychic properties before they die and selects its victims in a way that it threatens the demographic stability of American society.  (It prefers victims with poor peripheral circulation, like diabetics, and is much more prevalent in high-altitude areas.) She takes a break from hospital duty and decides to invite Ali back into her home and help him recuperate. (He has to persuade her to take his new career interest seriously, and as deserving of personal respect more than love.) Ali revs up and starts recovering (like David Letterman), desiring again to “escape” from the taming influence of “family” and go back into the world and investigate the threat on his own. He sneaks out from his ex-wife’s house in Alexandria, Va. and travels on the Acela to New York to meet his son, who has reformed and transformed himself from childishness and aimless compulsive criminality to being able to help others now through newfound mechanical cleverness—hacking  legally: and secretly into the PC’s of other private citizens as well as large institutions.  Rebuilding communication with his son (who had almost been killed in the 9-11 attacks) is a first step in realizing his own epiphany.


His encounter with his changing son highlights his focus on how he would spend the rest of his life if his world of relative freedom really does go to “hell and a handbasket” because of unstoppable terrorist attacks or this new biological epidemic threat.  He would face some choices: re-connect with his family and live through that, return to his religious (Assemblies of God) faith as rather literally interpreted, or participate in the power struggle of those officials who would hunker down and plan surreptitiously to seize power in a society, paralyzed by martial law, that is “easier” to rule. Now he is suspicious that there are people like that; over the years he has sometimes been like that himself, just as more recently has come to discover “pleasures” of living outside of himself.  He will sink into a quicksand created by those others whom he has come to emulate because of his own ennui over conventional life.  And, going through his own investigative files (which he rescues after his own condo is burglarized) he finds plenty of evidence that the “old men” running the remote viewing school are on to real threats, however self-serving their personal motives. So Ali’s “problem” (in novel plot skeleton terms) comes in to focus: to given himself a valid “purpose” (participation in either “saving the world” for escaping from it), he needs to rebuild his family; the converse is also true. And he needs a purpose to survive (even “religiously”) at all.


His son’s efforts point him back to his own files as a former investigator, particularly the stories of the disappearance of the toddler son (Matthias) of a (female) health club fitness instructor (Kelly Skiis) and of the apparent criminal sexual encounter, some years later, between a middle aged colleague (Bill Ldzett) and a vivacious Smallville-like “superman” pubescent teen who may after all be Kelly’s son, returned after a mysterious “abduction” and two-year disappearance.  Bill’s “personnel” records had built up during his stay at “The Academy,” a network of largely privately funded training and living centers to house “asset persons” (or “civilian reservists”) who will keep the country going after expected and unpreventable terrorist attacks.  Ldzett’s own encapsulated “Ghost” story is that of an anti-hero escaping from his own character weakness (lack of empathy for others and a predilection for living “third person” in his own fantasy world), threatened with firing and unemployment, getting a “job” as an Academy trainee through reviving a personal connection with Frank L’Istesso, a former boy friend who had become ex-gay in the military himself and then helped start the “Academy” as a private businessman after leaving the military (when the “gay” problem catches up with him under “don’t ask, don’t tell”). Ldzett has encountered and become involved with the teen friend (that is, probably Kelly’s son) through his misadventures at the Academy, been arrested and prosecuted, sent to prison in the high country in northern Arizona, and through his own ability to tease the homosexual fantasies of other prisoners, overcome “all odds” and escaped.  But during the escape Bill has transformed or disguised himself as a younger person and taken on a girl friend, Tovina who, with her motorcycle,  had helped with his escape. Before his “employment,” sex crime and imprisonment, Bill had built up some amateurish notoriety as a writer pushing for a constitutional convention or town-hall to discuss a new Bill of Rights.


The Bill of Rights convention, having percolated for two years among interested third parties, is actually coming off, and provides Ali Mogul with the opportunity to network with old friends (especially Frank L’Istesso and a graduate student, Tobey Strickland, who had befriend Bill and helped promote some of Bill’s ideas) and solve the “mystery” as to whether the remote viewings really mean the coming tribulations and as to how to escape. Mogul goes through some “terror-related” misadventures on his odyssey to Minnesota: a train wreck (when Tobey finds him), a construction accident in Pittsburgh (where Frankie is now working), a major security mishap on his flight to Minneapolis-St. Paul (when he isn’t supposed to fly so soon after coronary surgery). His wife, Ellie joins him in the Twin Cities and they all adjourn to a college “fraternity house” belonging to Tobey.  Ali and Ellie reconsummate their relationship for the first time in ten years, while Bill, apparently in disguise, and Frankie appear. 


Ali will have the legal duty to get Bill arrested and returned to prison if Bill “tells” who he really is.  As the congregated acquaintances bridge the tensions among themselves and put their heads together and hack further into Academy records, they decide to visit a series of sites to look for “clues” that confirm their worst fears: that “angels” from Revelations will capture the personalities of many male persons, leading to the tribulations and the end of modern civilization, but that an escape to a new civilization (facilitated by “miracle” technology available through the angels to those who meet religious requirements) on another planet will be possible. For Ali, the clues and capabilities are in his own life to understand something like this.  For example, Ali recalls  the modern physics and engineering courses way back at West Point and then at war colleges, and reconciles this Wissenschaft with the Assemblies of God religious training (including speaking in tongues) that forces appreciation of a kind of aesthetic realism as well as the selective theology surrounding the “rapture” and the remote viewing. But the most important evidence comes from the story of superboy Matthias Skiis (who had died after the sexual encounter with Bill), as he has actually been to Purgatory and seen what tribulations are coming, as well as confirming that our recent technology came, not from extraterrestrials in the usual sense (“Roswell”) but from the “144000” angels who commute between our world and “Urantia.”  There is also “Second Kind” evidence of “angel visits” related now to what he saw in the initial remote viewings: that very ancient societies (back to Atlantis) had information technology superior to ours but kept it within their priesthoods and conveyed it to the “masses” through ingenious mechanical technology with devices such as astrolabes (and monuments constructed as “computers”).   Ali comes to understand that his eligibility to “escape” will depend on his ability to participate again in a closed society that will for some generations depend on blood family dynamics and propagation, and that this ukase will be even more critical for Bill.  He makes a deal with Bill that Bill can go on the ship (and escape arrest as a fugitive from prison) if he proves that he can “perform” with Tovina and potentially father a child.


By now the nation is disintegrating as the news of the epidemic spreads and mass evacuations of higher-altitude areas where infections are common proceed.  The “tag team” meets victims (and  spouses) of the disease victims, and recognizes now how the disease has personally affected them, all of this providing and ante-climax. Frankie helps Bill, Ali, and others “escape” to the spaceship site at a major strip mine in West Virginia, but, having hijacked a train during the final race for the launch site, is arrested and kept behind to live in an unpromising world—a disappointing but deserved end for a character who as a young man had been almost as gifted as Matthias, without having (like the Clark Kent character) the advantage of indirect extraterrestrial lineage.  Ali will take his reconstituted family into space because there is no other future, and Bill will get to go now once (on the last night of their “road trip” when a “first experience” provides a personal point of recognition)  he has proven that he can procreate and start a family, however late in life.  The ship takes off and makes a 24-hour journey to Saturn’s moon, Titan, which, at the end of the novel, the characters learn has always been synonymous with Purgatory.  During the “transoceanic length flight” angelic medical technicians determine that Tovina is indeed pregnant with Bill’s child.  The journey to one other reachable civilization some dozens of light-years away¾angels can get them close to Einstein’s limit of light speed but they don’t violate the laws of physics and “uncertain” causality¾ will require families to be able to carry on lineage for a generation while living in a closed space environment, yet ironically none of the major characters escaping had established lineage until near the time of their group departure.


©Copyright 2001, 2005 by Bill Boushka, all rights reserved.

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