FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2007
Free speech: substitute teaching redux 2
In 1962, during the well-meaning but misguided “psychiatric
intervention” that followed my expulsion from William and Mary for “telling”
the Dean of Men that I perceived myself as a “latent homosexual,” one therapist
said to me, “You have little comprehension of the consequences of the things
you say and do.” (See the entry Nov. 28, 2006 on this
I’m presenting this discussion, inside out, to analyze and
“come to closure” on a serious incident on October 2005 at one high school
where I had substitute taught a lot.
But one thing about the “consequences” is these always have
a social frame of reference. A statement that I had made as a simple innocuous
fact is given all kinds of meaning by others (including the likelihood that I
would never procreate), and what the social and business standing of others
connected to me might become. People assume that most statements that have any
chance of getting around are made for some kind of ulterior motive. They
usually wonder what the person’s “gain” will be. They believe the statement is
intended to entice or provoke some kind of action or reaction by others? Why?
Because “man is a social animal.” In particular, most people accept the idea
that their personal welfare is connected bidirectionally to the welfare of
their families, communities, businesses. Most people accept some notion of
solidarity and the idea that the reputations of other family members can be
affected by the appearances created by their actions, and that statements about
anything may be filtered by the partisan interests of the group. Some
collective reputational responsibility is involuntary. Therefore, most advocacy
speech from companies and organizations, while polished and “professional,” is
often manipulative and skims the surface of psychological truths. We should do
better than this.
So, it is with Internet speech. We’ve seen, since the
beginning of 2006, increasing concern from employers about what job applicants
and current employees say on their social networking profiles and blogs, given
that (often) anyone on the planet (including stakeholders of the company) can
find them with search engines. I’ve noted that employers tend to look at web
behavior sartorially, the way they look at dress. They assume that any thing there was put there to make an impression. They
are generally unwilling to take a “literary” interpretation of what they find,
even if it is in fact literary in nature. This “Dress for Success” mentality
assumes a certain social conformity in the way people compete, that family and
children can sometimes justify behavior that might seem boorish if done by the
individual on his own.
There is precedence for believing that people will believe
what they see enacted in fiction, ever since Shakespeare embedded "The
Murder of Gonzago" as his "mousetrap"
in Hamlet. Fiction that takes itself seriously and looks real enough can cause
real trouble in how readers or watchers interpret it.
Now, in addition to the books and website (dating back to
1997), I had started working on some screenplay treatments and scripts for my
material, in 2002 while still in Minnesota. By 2004 I was starting to post some
of the material on my doaskdotell site, in one
directory (/scrplys). In some of these, a character
arguably resembling me (and the resemblance is sometimes supported by the use
of the name of my book and websites, although my own name is not used) appears,
and gets into trouble, by giving into “temptation” and doing some things right
on the edge that I don’t think I would do in real life. In the fictitious
stories, the legal consequences are played out and shown, although there are
lots of other complications. In one screenplay short, called “The Sub”, a
substitute teacher, after some provocative behavior by a student (that, from a
legal viewpoint, could be interpreted in more than one way, depending on
jurisdiction), winds up getting into trouble, and thrown into prison where he
dies, while (in a twist on the Oscar Wilde “Dorian Gray” theme) the student
performs his musical composition at a public concert after his passing. Another relevant fact, is that early in the story the
student saves the sub’s life with a defibrillator at school. (Defibrillators
were not yet in common use in public schools with the screenplay was posted in
early 2005, but school systems were beginning to announce plans to use them
then, and they are in place now in many systems). I’m not going to be real specific about this, and I’ll refer to it as the “Oscar
Wilde syndrome.” It's important to note that there are no images or pictures on
these files, and there is no explicit language in the usual sense of the
concept on the Internet. (See reference to Jennifer Steinhauer
story in The New York Times, July 29, 2007, for another case in WA and CA that
is not as similar to this as it may seem, discussion here.)
People will ask, what is the point? Aren’t movie screenplays
supposed to go secretly through third party agents? Yes, sometimes, but now
there is an Internet, and you want your ideas to get known and circulated. What
are the ideas? Some them have to do with responding to
religious right notions about “Oscar Wilde” that I want to throw back into
their faces. (Link here provides more.) So what, I
saw, any one can be tempted. The temptation of Jesus
is in the Bible, and He did not surrender to them, but He admitted to feeling
tempted. Why is this wrong? When are feelings and actions to be separated?
There’s more. As the psychiatrist (above) said, I like to step on toes
sometimes, particularly to make people “squirm” when caught in their
“irrationality.” I like people to become aware of their false dependencies on
others (particularly in the sheltering or pampering context of the family and
institutionalized intercourse) that sometimes hide them from personal
responsibility. I think there is a divide between certain zones of
acceptability as defined in statutory law, as perceived as a moral issue, and
as perceived in terms of social ostracism (the heightened need to protect
minors from unquantifiable risks). All of this is explored in the various
screenplays (some of which, if actually made and released, would probably fall
into the soft R rated category). But, if someone who has not learned to think
beyond his social or familial sense of “self interest”
finds these, he or she might be fooled and believe that the material is posted
to entice him to do something. Not so (the website had disclaimers saying
contacts had to be legal in intent). Social context seems to be everything, and
here it leads some people into circular "reasoning" based on what
they believe the motives of others to be relative to only their frame or reference.
There is also a sequence in the screenplay where the
“protagonist” refuses to complete a special education assignment when asked to
borrow swimming trunks, help in the locker room, and get in the deep end of the
pool. The protagonist claims that the military gay ban can cause a legal issue
if he is asked to take care of the intimate needs of disabled kids.
In October 2005 I took a four-day assignment in a 9th Grade
high school English class at a certain school. For most of the week, the kids
were to analyze the famous short story (and compare to the movie) of “A Most
Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell. The story has plenty of references to
racism and anti-social behavior on the part of the captor. But on the second
day, Wednesday, there was a break as the kids were to take a certain
standardized test, which I helped proctor. A teaching intern (essentially a
student teacher completing a coordinated degree program) was present. There was
very little real need for continuous supervision of kids that day. On that that
day, The Washington Times presented an editorial ("Suffocating the First
Amendment" -- see entry Jan. 31, 2006 on this
blog) that essentially claimed that bloggers could be shut down by the
circumstances surrounding campaign finance reform. (I have discussed this on
this blog on Jan. 31, see archive link). I showed the intern the article and
she was quite interested. I told her I could give her some other materials,
which were links on my own website ( where I had discussed
similar issues. I gave her a handwritten sheet of paper with these links (I
didn’t use the computer, but I still have a detailed record of exactly what
these links were) and I didn’t mention the screenplays. It’s obvious that the
effect of campaign finance reform on blogging and other political speech is by
itself an important issue of interest in a public high school environment
(civics and government).
On Thursday, the school day passed without incident as we
watched the Connell movie (review)in each class (with the intern present), but
after I got home I got a cell phone call from an assistant principal saying
that I had given a staff member “a reference to an inappropriate website” and
that “she was offended by it,” that the rest of the assignment was canceled and
that it would be reported to the substitute office. I called the office, and it
requested that I should request a meeting. I did, and that did not happen, but
instead I was simply reinstated for the school. I had another assignment at the
school in December, when the principal flagged me down. She characterized it as
a “big problem” but talked about it in terms of separating “personal stuff”
from the job. I was allowed to work the day (and not canceled the next day,
which was snowed out), and overheard one student say that I was the “gays in
the military guy.” I decided to stop substituting while considering the
possible (and unpredictable, it seemed) legal ramifications whole incident, but
was reinstated (at my request) in January 2007, but again excluded from that
Remember that most school systems that hire unlicensed subs
allow principals to remove substitute teachers from a list without cause. The
reasoning is based on incidents like this. Schools are messy places.
Allegations are made, and they are often untrue and cannot be verified. But a
principal is responsible for protecting safety and security at a school, and in
a real world (especially given the history of the past ten years or so), cannot
always reliably distinguish a real danger from an imagined or alleged one. That
seems a reality of our post 9/11 world. The substitute office reminded me of
this when reinstating me in January (see this blog January 29). Again, the
“three strikes” policy allows schools to eliminate substitutes
administratively, with no admission of wrongdoing by other side and with no
legal effect.
I have copies of the ISP server logs of accesses to my
domain during that period, and can track search requests, page requests, IP
addresses and their owners, and specific dates and times. (I also submitted
these to the attorneys for the COPA trial in Philadelphia.) From all of the
factual information and investigation, this is what I can conclude with high
(1) The school probably had been told about the website by a
parent (maybe after a kid looked up my name with a search engine) the previous
June, when I had had many assignments there. (I never mentioned my sites or
books in class, but I was in one good class long enough that many students
would have become curious when they went home.) There was an unrelated incident
there with another teacher, which would have expanded the radar screen. It’s
important to note that no one ever contacted me about this directly, however.
(Still another irony comes to mind: the class in June had been honors
chemistry, and the PBS film Copenhagen (based on Michael Frayn's play) had been
shown; in this play, during World War II Heisenberg and Bohr meet and must
consider the ethics of handling scientific discoveries that they know as
"truth" and still "own" but that could do great harm if
released; review.)
(2) When I mentioned the website to the intern, the name was
recognized immediately. I have since learned that the school tried to cancel
the rest of the assignment that day, but the school district did not do so (or
the school didn’t) and I worked normally the next day,
Thursday. This supports the idea that the school knew about and was concerned
about the website (from it having been found by a search engine) and particular
screenplay when I started the assignment and might have alerted teachers to see
if I mentioned it. Had assignments continued there, it probably would have approached
me about this matter. Note also: "Mentioning" the site to another
teacher (even verbally, without using school system computers) might meet a
"legal standard" for "on campus" activity (in some cases,
like Hazelwood), although here that interpretation sounds facetious to me: I
was trying to make a comment about a political problem that could eventually
prove relevant to a class that she taught.
(3) During the third day (Thursday), there were two sessions
with the school district IP address looking at materials on my domains, with
particular attention to the screenplay in question, which had not been
mentioned on the note I had given the intern. During the first session, there
was a legitimate verification that I was the author (reconciling “John” with
Bill”) although it’s clear from other circumstances that the school already
knew that it was mine (it would have been simple to verify on WHOIS). During
the early afternoon session (completed a bit more than an hour before I was
called) there was a legitimate effort to look at more of the material I had
suggested, including COPA materials, in order to determine the context and
intent of my postings. About ten days later, there was another session
traceable to the school district, with legitimate requests that appeared to be
trying to reassure the district that I had genuine free speech rights and some
sort of "serious value", however perplexing. (This case is very
different from COPA, but the overriding issue of context relative to the size
of a web page or site still holds.) Had the Washington Times editorial never
appeared and had I never mentioned my own site as a result but continued
getting assignments at that school, I believe that this matter would have been
brought to my attention soon anyway.
(4) The school had not blacklisted me because of the domain, but did so after I mentioned my connection with it.
That, in the school’s mind, crosses the “threshold of danger.” (Some of the
"danger" might not reside directly with me, but with the speculative
idea that false accusations against teachers could occur.) It is not clear
(given the academic, political and social relevance of
the specific materials that I actually gave them) that would normally be a
legally supportable conclusion, without making up a lot of rhetorical arguments
(like personal business in the workplace, etc). But
school district policy allows an administrator to exclude a sub for no reason
at all, in order to deal with ambiguities like this.
(5) The intern was not “offended” by the site in the normal
sense of that word. There was no pornography, violence (as with Cho at VPI),
racism, and other material that is generally thought of as objectionable. In
fact, there is no sexually explicit material (in the usual sense) in the
screenplays. The “offense” comes from mainly from that one fictitious
screenplay (and maybe one other) where I apparently portray myself (that is,
through a character who is obviously similar to me) in a negative light with a
“propensity” (to borrow the famous word from the military “don’t ask don’t
tell” policy) toward inappropriate interests and for a heightened risk for
certain crimes. In other words, they regard the screenplay(s) as
“self-defamation.” The other disturbing observation to them is that in two of
them, students are shown as making inappropriate advances. The students are not
based on any known or obviously similar real people, however. Again, it's important
that the treatment files clearly label these works as fiction, include
analytical diagrams comparing them to known screenwriting structures, and
mention other similar films on the same material; anyone would know that these
are scripts and not literally real. Another disturbing complication may well be
that the screenplay and website say that the military "don't ask don't
tell" policy could, at least indirectly, affect the legality of a gay
teacher giving custodial care in a pinch--a speculation that the school might
have to take at face value and believe is cause for disqualification, because
emergency contingent reassignment of substitutes to unchosen duties is
sometimes possible.
(6) Subsequent contact shows some genuine disagreement among
officials as to this matter, as it is ambiguous; however
school system policy would allow an administrator at that school to ban that
substitute from assignments there, even based on his or own personal
perceptions of an ambiguous situation; this is simply a consequence of being
allowed to sub without a license (there is no "presumption of
innocence" or "benefit of the doubt"). That is an
administrative, and not a judicial matter.
There care cases known from publishing law where novel
authors have been sued for presenting characters who too closely resemble real
people. In some cases the violation of a
confidentiality clause has been an issue. This tends to become a problem where
a professional writes a novel and someone who was a client claims that a
character is based on him or her, or in a situation where someone is in a
confidential group where personal information is disclosed
and a member of the group writes about one of the characters or the leader.
(The novel “Touching” – Bindrim v. Mitchell.) In
California, particularly, the idea that a work is fiction has not been an
adequate defense. In other states (New York) the bar of proving similarity has
been much higher. Based on some of these precedents, it’s reasonable that a
teacher can be libeled in “fiction” and that so could a student if the student
was recognizable. Here is a Bindrim link. Following
the reasoning of Bindrim (if it applied in Virginia,
see below), if the teacher in the screenplay were a recognizable known
individual other than me and if the story really were fiction (it is), that
could set up a libel suit. There could have been a chance that a story like
this about some obviously different person (say a heterosexual female) could
have accidentally resembled closely someone real and set up a litigation
But what happens when the author is the teacher, and the
intention is to set up a hypothetical situation and demonstrate the possible
outcome? That is the case here. I don't know of any case law that definitively
answers a question like this.
If the author and the subject are the same, does this refute
the claim that the author is defamed? Is there a presumption that the reader
should automatically realize that this is a demonstration or a scenario of
something that could happen is someone gave into temptation? (It's interesting
to make a comparative legal analysis of O. J. Simpson's non-published "If
I did it" missive.) But in a school environment, that presumes sufficient
maturity level of the visitor, who could be a student. Furthermore, in the
“Bong Hits 4 Jesus” case (blog) ), the Supreme Court
wrote that speakers, especially in connection with speech somehow linked to
school, must be careful to anticipate the likely way an item of speech will be
interpreted, even if the message is objectively (and maybe deliberately)
ambiguous and otherwise legally acceptable. For a teacher with respect to
minors, this is analogous to the “rebuttable presumption” clause in the
military’s “don’t ask don’t tell” policy that presume that certain statements
made by a uniformed Armed servicemember imply a likelihood that homosexual acts
by a servicemember will occur in the future. It doesn’t sound fair, objective
or “rational,” but the law allows this kind of thinking, at least in civil
matters (where there is no criminal prosecution -- but remember the
"pre-crime" in the film "Minority Report"; a work of
fiction by itself is hardly "evidence" of a crime, whatever happens
on "One Life to Live" -- although it could beg for testimony). The
speaker here seems to be in a kind of “Orson Wells” position (for provoking
panic in his radio broadcast about UFO’s), or perhaps the position of someone
making a joke in a security line at the airport.
So, one says, my screenplay is the legal equivalent to a
“confession” or "admission." Well, not exactly. First, I am not aware
of any litigation in Virginia dealing with defamation in fiction. The reasoning
is based on litigation in other states, mostly California and New York (where
the movie studios and book publishers are). But it is clear that civil law
needs to draw a line somewhere and a theory of "persuasive evidence"
could be deduced from an opinion for a similar case in another state; otherwise one could defame someone else by pretending that a
semi-truthful narrative is “fiction.” It's also noteworthy that, with fiction
set in the present day (instead of a historical era, or fantasy or science
fiction) there is often an intention to make the reader "believe" the
events, so it sounds tautological that the author is responsible if the reader
really does "believe" it! Since this incident we have seen an
explosion in arrests of teachers around the country, and the NBC Dateline
series. So hypothetical “self-defamation” in a public
space does not seem like a legally acceptable practice now, even when the
material is intended to be “educational”.
I have since removed from the domain (from public display,
that is) materials in the screenplays that present this kind of potential
problem (gross “self-defamation” in the sense of Bindrim).
I had done that even before taking an unrelated non-classroom assignment with
the school district in the spring of 2006, and it was not there during this
past school year when I substitute taught again. I do have other web materials
(movie reviews) that deal with these issues, but these are movies about other
subject-characters not possibly resembling me, so they cannot pose this
"big problem." From a legal point of view (I’ve checked some other
opinions beyond the scope of this essay), I believe that it is important that,
besides that no one have contacted me illegally, that the total number of
assignments that I take before deciding once and for all on whether or not to
seek a teaching license be limited to a finite number and time. This limit will
be reached before the end of 2007. One political development that would be
essential to my being able to enroll in a licensure program with confidence is
the repeal of the military’s “don’t ask don’t tell” which I believe can have an
indirect legal effect on teachers confronted with certain situations. Again,
one observation that remains relevant is that I follow my own rules (as
discussed in the previous post). My contact policy, limiting contact to legal
purposes only, is here.
I am still left with some troubling observations, about what
the law now calls "implicit content", a concept that is still
evolving and that will take some major litigation events around the country
(including cases with teachers) to pin down. We have created a technology,
predicated on individualism, that allows anyone to reach the planet with what
he or she has to say, and bypass all the old bureaucracy (unions,
organizations, hierarchies) that used to control speech. But suddenly employers
are finding that they have to look at speech in a somewhat “non rational” way
and view it the way the public will view it, with some degree of collective
emotion -- even mob rule and tribalism. That's why "online reputation
management" has popped up as a new pursuit, although, beyond responding to
libel (or privacy invasion or similar torts), the ethics of this kind of
pursuit sounds questionable. I say, if you have to worry "What will the
neighbors (or school principal) think?" about everything, there is no
reason to say anything at all, because it would just be manipulating things to
placate the emotions of others. But some of those third rails are still out
there, hidden in the underbrush.
Update: Aug. 16, 2007
There is a situation in California which some visitors might
consider comparable. My notes about that situation are here.
I realize it is "dangerous" to even
"suggest" a legitimate comparison, but some people may. The
comparison seems to be that, if one portrays a character whose circumstances
and personality resembles oneself as having inappropriate "desires"
or committing inappropriate acts in a fictitious setting (like a screenplay)
that seems to be the "legal equivalent" of announcing those desires
as one's own in public, at least in California where the "Touching"
case occurred. (I am not in California.) I would say that, based on the
experience of the past two years with media reports of employer objections to
employees or applicants parodying themselves on social networking sites, the
practice (I've given it the name "dreamcatching"
on other posts) is legally questionable or objectionable, maybe to the point
that it would violate an AUP since any ISP operates in California and other
states (maybe New York) with a history of similar litigation.
There a couple of major
differences, however, between this problem (a fictitious screenplay) and what
is happening in CA now. One is that the "dreamcatching"
screenplay obviously makes many important social and political points that
gives it legitimate artistic value when looked at in the context of other legal
issues (obscenity, COPA -- had it stood up). It even has legitimate value for a
reasonable subset of minors. The current situation in CA may be closer to
obscenity because of the apparent lack of legitimate value in what that blogger
was doing. But the troubling point seems to be that the screenplay was
self-posted, without supervision of the expectation of legitimate renumeration.
That, in some people's minds, raises questions about purpose of motive. A book
(even the O.J. Simpson "If I Did It"( or
screenplay), if it goes through legitimate third party commercial channels of
an industry with investors and completion bonds and insurance (as in the motion
picture industry) may be recognized as more legitimate (even if some people
still object to the content). Some persons will argue that when material like
this is self-published without financial reward, it is only natural to expect
many people to read an "ulterior personal motive" into the posting, and view it as enticement. That is, without further
evidence of benefit the poster does not have the right to have a self-posted
item respected as "literature" even if it has some value. Some people
will argue that this kind of material should not be self-posted (that even fits
into the recent "April's Law" proposal) at all, although up to now
the intellectual property law treats self-published and trade-published
materials the same way. That could change, I suppose. That would require a
longer trail of legislative and litigation experience (in other states or at a
federal level), which many of us do not want to see.
I want to note that I have posted my own "blogging
policy" which assumes that people who make decisions about others on the
job are not as free to speak candidly on sensitive matters on their own in
public as those who do not. Short term substitute teachers do not give grades
and do not have real authority. So I was obeying my
own rules, and that supports some contention that I did not violate "good
faith." But the rules have changed, given all the public concerns about
employers and social networking. Now it is clear that one should not state
directly, or indirectly as in the "Touching" sense, that one might
not be fit for a job one holds, even if one is trying to make a point of political
or social irony or protest social attitudes. It's easy for me to imagine even
more extreme "Stranger than Fiction" scenarios in which even I might
feel that the doctrine could apply, so I can't discount the fact that the
principal could have a less tolerant standard of what kind of indirect candor
is acceptable in a fictitious setting.
The visitor is encouraged to search for "touching Bindrim California" and locate the article
"Stranger than Fiction: The Novel that Gave Rise to Libel Damages"
published in Press Law, The National Law Journal, May 1980, by James C.
Goodale. Because it is a Word document, I didn't give the link; you can also
look at the html cache. Although I can understand the reasoning behind
"The Touching Doctrine", many law professors disagree with it and
believe it inhibits genuine literary speech.
Update: Oct 5, 2007. The controversy over Paramount Vantage
's delay of the release of the Dreamworks film
"The Kite Runner" illustrates another example of "The Touching
Doctrine" in a dangerous international context. See this blogger entry.
For more on teacher "free speech" and personnel
issues, see this blog, Dec. 6, 2006, with the coverage of a "Dr.
Phil" episode. There is also some discussion on my COPA blog here,
especially Jan. 9.
In retrospect, I wonder: if my "bringing this up"
in response to the Washington Times editorial and drawing attention to the
"personal stuff" was necessary for them to be sure "it was
me," then why did they apply the "Touching" doctrine at all? If
they could identify me in the internals of the screenplay, why weren't they
sure enough about the site? I know from the server logs that they did apply the
"doctrine". And if so, they certainly knew about all the other
material on the site, to give it "context". Perhaps they didn't think
it was "my place" to draw attention to a problem that had so many
personal aspects. Okay, but the newspaper editorials had just done the very
same thing. This all started with an improbable confluence of coincidences.
Sounds like a docudrama mystery. Would make a good movie in itself.
Update: Nov. 14, 2010:
I have a coordianted post now on
the "Bill on Major Issues Blog" today (11/14/2010). Navigate to it
through Blogger Profile.
Update: Aug. 13, 2013
I did a little more forensics with the Internet
Archive. It looks like I posted the
screenplay and treatment on Feb. 4, 2005 (they had been written in October, 2004). It
would not have been conspicuous to students or teachers who knew about the site
in June 2005 when I had multiple assignments at the high school, but it would
have been much more conspicuous, to people familiar with the general nature of
the doaskdoell site, after late July,
2005. "The Privilege of Being
Listened To"' was apparently posted in June 2005. Evidence suggests that the school already
knew about "The Sub" before it even looked at my site on Oct. 13,
because it tried to ban me on Oct. 12, and the system failed to inform me or
register their action. The only
reasonable way is that someone knew enough and was curious enough to wade
through the site in June 2005, even though it would not have been as easy to
find as it would have been six weeks later.
The moral of the story is, what you post, if it is provocative, even
more likely to surface, even if obscure, than you think.
Update: Nov. 12, 2014
There is a more detailed account of what was in the actual
server logs and forensics on my WordPress "do ask do tell notes"
blog, March 6, 2014, link here.
Posted by Bill Boushka at 12:20 PM
Labels: campaign finance reform and bloggers controversy,
existentialism, fiction legal risks, implicit content, my history as a
substitute teacher, stuteach speech, teachers:
performance and reputation, WMexpulsion
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