"Scenes from the Glittering World" (film review), and a video on string theory dimensions

On Monday, May 16, 2022, PBS Independent Lens presented the documentary by Jared Jakins, Scenes from the Glittering World, about life in a public school on a Utah Navaho reservation, one of the most remote schools in the US, for three indigenous teenagers: Noah Begay, Llii Neang, and Granite Sloan. There are two other filmmakers: Roni Jo Draper, and Scott Christopherson. The original film (available for rental on Amazon for $5.99 (Stripes text), original distributor Soro Films) was reduced from 76 minutes to 56 minutes by PBS Independent Lens. I wish PBS would not condense and manipulate the opening of movies it shows (link). The film was shot with a wide aspect ratio.

caption: Scenes from a Glittering World PBS trailer

There is a white older male teacher who tries to impress on the students that future generations depend on what they do.  Sometimes the kids are absorbed by modern “glittering” gadgetry (like computer games like Fortnite) living in shacks.  There is a moment where the controversy over introducing LGBTQ identities is mentioned.   The communities have faced dire danger from Covid because of the particular lack of immunity in some indigenous tribes as well as diabetes from American diets.

Intervoew from Scenes of a Glittering World Noah and Paul

The scenery is often breathtaking.  In one scene, the very distant San Francisco Peaks in Arizona apparently loom in the far distance.  The rocky formations in the scenery look almost like alien cities.

Caption: Glittering, Granite and Daesha

I also wanted to share the summer 2021 video from Engineering Made Easy, “11 Dimensions Explained” (23 minutes). 

caption: 11 Dimensions Explained

The video hints at the 'powers' that a conscious agent living with access to more (string theory) dimensions would have.  I included it because it just might be, at least in some science fiction scenarios, a key to 'greater than c' space travel by jumping in and out of other metaverses.  I may need this idea later for my novel 'Angel's Brother' which is undergoing some restructuring because of current events.

(Posted: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 11 AM by John W Boushka)