Reviews of my DADT books – Summary

There were two reviews of the first DADT book on Amazon at one time.  I have lost the exact text but I can summarize what they said.  They stayed up until around 2008 as I recall and then Amazon took them down, the more generous review first.

The first reviewer (1998) had been involved with the Ninth Street Center in NYC and gave it 5/5 stars. He called it a “tough love” account of society as it was in the 90s.

The other reviewer (2004) was a female who did many reviews on Amazon and gave 1-1/2 out of 5.  She said the book didn’t give her any reason to care about the issues, because, well, like can be tough for a lot of people for a lot of reasons. I thought the account of the expulsion at William and Mary at the beginning gave enough fuel.  She pointed out a couple of typos (like where algebra was accidentally referred to as a person in a sentence in Chapter 2).  But she did agree that some of the provisions of the “Amendment 29” in Chapter 6 could work as federal laws and perhaps should be.  That comment curiously feeds into Alito’s views as how one establishes certain right as “fundamental” in the recent Roe v. Wade overturn.