Update: May 8, 2023:
Press Release from iUniverse for “A Gay Conservative Lashes Back”
New marketing campaign set for ‘Do Ask, Do Tell: A Gay Conservative Lashes Back’
Published book discusses a maze of arguments and issues that bear on individual rights and responsibilities
ARLINGTON, Va.– In 1993, when President Bill Clinton proposed lifting the ban on gays in the military, many members of Congress objected, resulting eventually in a compromise known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” codified into law in December 1993. Bill Boushka noticed a striking parallel between these arguments (about “privacy” in the barracks) and the circumstances of his expulsion from William and Mary as a freshman with scholarship in November of 1961.
Set for a new marketing campaign, “Do Ask, Do Tell: A Gay Conservative Lashes Back”(published by iUniverse in August 2000) walks the reader though the incredible maze of arguments and issues that bear on individual rights and responsibilities. Here, Boushka provides his own detailed perspectives on many sensitive issues such as sexual orientation, race, religious faith, and cultural identity. He presents his own expulsion from college for admitting “being gay” and his own subsequent and unusual stint of military service during the Vietnam War years.
An excerpt from the book reads:
For America to publicly and visibly commit itself to two congruent principles — a clear line to fence out government intervention in private lives, and a consistent cultural imperative to personal responsibility and commitment — would set a good example for the rest of the world which, given our rejoicing over the end of the Cold War which so shaped my life, seems as dangerous and unstable as ever
“The most striking aspect of this book is the narrative of how military values and external politics affected individual rights in previous generations (from the 1950s until the 1990s).My experience happened in a civilian area (college) and exposes parallels between military and civilian lives that are more significant than what most people usually perceive,” Boushka says. When asked what he wants readers to take away from the book, he answers, “For people to remember that any policy that regulates or favors certain personal behaviors will prove disadvantageous to some individual people, however laudable the group (or perhaps nation or ethnicity) being favored believes its goals.” For more details about the book, please visit https://www.iuniverse.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/128814-Do-Ask-Do-Tell
“Do Ask, Do Tell: A Gay Conservative Lashes Back”
By Bill Boushka
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 584 pages | ISBN 9780595005833
E-Book | 584 pages | ISBN 9781469758442
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Bill Boushka is a libertarian activist and gay conservative freelance writer. He was born in 1943 and raised as an only child in Arlington, Virginia. He became a good student and started piano at age 8. However, he fell behind in physical and social development. He was expelled from college after saying that he was gay in late 1961. Nevertheless, he graduated from another school, earned an Master of Arts in mathematics, and was drafted for military service in 1968. When the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy emerged in 1993, he leveraged his own irony to become a writer and blogger.
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Press Release from iUniverse for “When Liberty Is Stressed”
Published book presents 10 essays about the nuances of individual liberty as enhanced by the internet but as challenged by world events
‘Do Ask, Do Tell: When Liberty is Stressed’ by Bill Boushka is set for a new marketing campaign for 2023
WASHINGTON – The new challenges to liberty posed particularly by terrorism and now corporate scandals, as well as the growing understanding of the legal and ethical problems that accompany the opportunities for self-expression presented by the internet prompted Bill Boushka’s release of “Do Ask, Do Tell: When Liberty Is Stressed”(published by iUniverse) in 2002.
“Do Ask, Do Tell: When Liberty Is Stressed” presents 10 essays about the nuances of individual liberty as enhanced recently (as of 2002, publication) by the internet but as challenged by world events like 9/11. These topics include the military draft, gays in the military, “gay rights” when perceived as competing with “family values,” psychological. The most important chapter of the book now may be is the discussion of how to design and implement a “Bill of Rights II.” It shows readers how individual liberties can be affected by external threats to a society, and can change the focus on what is considered moral behavior by individuals, given the prospect for future survival of a society as a whole.
An excerpt from the book reads:
One can look at narcissism as a catalyst for a chemical reaction, as explained in those hated high school chemistry courses. It is helpful in stimulating creative expression in relationships but it does not constitute creativity in itself. The creative challenge is in finding something special to love or to value in a partner, and to perform as the one person that can both recognize and develop those special gifts. It is not sufficient just to care about another person when that person can make one feel turned on. We need to keep our social preoccupation with “looks” (whether in a gay male context or not) in the proper perspective.
“New issues have come up since the 2002 publication of this book such as public health (COVID-19), which affect personal movement. The gender identity issues differs in many ways from gay rights but shares concerns about shared spaces (now especially for women). The chapter on polarity (7) maintains that ‘identity’ is a matter for personal growth apart from public activism,” Boushka says. When asked what he wants readers to take away from his book, he states, “Any policy that regulates or favors certain personal behaviors will prove disadvantageous to some individual people, however laudable the group (or perhaps nation or ethnicity) being favored believes its goals.”
For more details about the book, please visit https://www.iuniverse.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/102490-do-ask-do-tell-when-liberty-is-stressed
“Do Ask, Do Tell: When Liberty Is Stressed”