Original Music Scores by me
Minuet in E Major (1957) 2 pages, about 1 min, link
Sonata #1 in A, "Classical", (1957), 4 movements, about 12 minutes Links to Movements (PDF): 1, 2, 3, 4
Sonata #2 in D Minor (1959) 27 pages, 4 movements, about 25 min, link
Sonata #3 in C (1961-1974; 2013), 4 movements, about 50 mins: Links to Movements (PDF): 1, 2, 3, 4
Opening tocatta theme of Sonata 3 Finale, as an invention, 2 min: PDF MP3
Polytonal prelude 4 min PDF NewPDF Coda
Chorale theme, B Major, from 3rd Movement of Third Sonata (1962). PDF MP3 new PDF
Impromptu in A Minor (1956), reconstructed PDF MP3
The following are "miniature" or "short piece" extracts from a Symphony-cantata sketched around 1974, suitable for solo piano.
SU102 Fanfare
Su2DfC Psalms 133 D-flat and C mp3
Su401 Scherzo, large E Major
Su402F Scherzo. F Major
Su501DSongV2 Song, "He Said to Me", D Major
Su502C Song, "Doubting Thomas", largely A Minor, very modal
Su503D Song "Rich Young Ruler"
Su504Bf Song "Drinking Song"
SuD505 Song "Obsession, Upward Affiliation"
Su506Bf Song "Losing It", B-flat mp3 Newer Pdf1 rev2 concl
Su603Af Hymn, A-flat
Su604Df Hymn D-flat
Su605fm Hymn Transition F Minor
Sym2Mv5 Sketch of Sym 2 finale, orignally a 3/8 rondo, allegretto, gradually turning triumphant
Su701Fs Applause Theme: Modulations F#-Eb-Cmi-C-Am-A-F#m-F# mp3
Su702CfromFs Applause Coda F#-D-F#-Ab-c#-diminishedsevenths-C mp3
Sketch: Symphony #1, E Minor (1962, 1974, 2012) PDF's
First Movement: Allegro E Min
Second Movement: Adagio, A Min
Third Movement: Scherzo C# Min
Finale: Maestosos E Maj
Template for finishing Sonata 3
Organ piece by me in B-flat called "Losing It" from a proposed cantata Played Aug. 2016 at the First Baptist Church of the City of Washington DC after a service.
Piano pieces played by me on piano in private home music party 2022/8/6: Adagio Religioso in B, second theme from slow movement of Sonata III, theme composed in 1974 I think.
Second theme from finale of Sonata III, theme in F# (home key of movement in C, a tritone away)