"White Right: Meeting the Enemy": A Muslim woman documents white supremacist hate by interviewing the enemy

That is: �White Right: Meeting the Enemy�, from Fuuse Films, Women Making Movies, and the BBC, is a shocking 55-minute documentary by Deeyah Kahn, who travels the US to confront white nationalists or supremacists about their beliefs and figure out what makes them tick.I watched it on Netflix (film).

She visits Charlottesville (even before the 2017 event), Detroit, Tennessee, Wisconsin, North Dakota, New York City and Philadelphia. The common denominator seems to be poor self-concept, leading to joining a tribe or gang, and then rationalizations about the future of the tribe � in this case, blown up to that of a desired white �ethno-state�.Many of the men are unkempt, overweight and heavily tattooed.But a group of privileged men also desire �power� and �control�.

She challenges at least two of the men she interviews as to whether they would deport her, and gradually she starts to convince them that befriending her, of a different religion (Muslim) or race would gradually transform them.

That�s somewhat the idea of the group �Better Angels�.

These men are indeed hostile. The people "deplatformed" in recent months are not at all like these men.For example, Milo never remotely comes close the this kind or rhetoric. Yet the far Left calls everybody remotely like this "racist".

One of the men made a reference to "The Proles" which is my own unpublished novel manuscript about nuclear war from 1969 (handwritten when I was in the Army), one chapter of which (based on my 1968 Basic Training and Special Training Company experience at Fort Jackson SC)is in my DADT III book (2014).That was odd. It was as if he felt like he was a "prole" in the Marxist sense and had to join a team of warriors to have a self-concept at all.

The film does show violent footage from Charlottesville, including the actual car collision that led to Heather Heyer�s death. It also shows the immediate aftereffect of the attack of the Sikh center in Wisconsin.

The "conservatives" who have been "de-platformed" in various incidents in the past few months have nothing to do with all this.The idea that these controversial speakers are feeding this white nationalism and making it a threat is an idea that the far Left has invented to get more solidarity on its side.

This is a very graphic documentary.I do wonder if it will be shown on PBS POV, or is it too explicit?

Posted by Bill Boushka at 8:31 PM No comments: Links to this post

Labels: Charlottesville, white supremacist threat