"Misery" film (book) by Stephen King

Misery (1990, Columbia/Castle Rock, dir. Rob Reiner, based on the novel by Stephen King, screenplay by William Goldman, R, 107 min). Female coworkers used to read the book in the break room at work and scream at some of the most harrowing scenes, as when she chops off his feet.

A nurse (Kathy Bates, in one of her most celebrated roles) rescues a writer (James Caan) from an automobile accident in a Colorado blizzard (sort of like the Christmas blizzard in Denver in 2006, maybe). He gradually discovers she does not have his well being at heart, as he lays in bed. In one sequence when she is out (as the spring thaw comes), he rummages the house from his wheelchair to do his detective work. He will not escape with the hair on his legs. In fact, he will not escape with his legs.