Mad Max (1979, American International, dir. George Miller) was a famous franchise of futuristic motorcycle movies filmed in Australia. (1985) were the sequels and took the motorcycle flick to new levels of imagination.
But in 2015 George Miller provided us with IV: Mad Max: Fury Road with Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, and Nick Lathouris, filmed in Namibia. Village Roadshow Pictures and Warner Brothers gave us this one.
Tyler Mowery, in a April 2021, analyzed this film in a video titled "How to Write a Story with Dual Protagonist".But in May 2022 he offered a video "Why You Shouldn't Have Two Protagonists".
Well, that's not quite the same as "dual protagonists". A protagonist drives the story forward. is the reason for the movie to exist (it gets messy if you try to explain a historical mystery from the viewpoint of an obscure protagonist thought to observe but who actually drove the action affecting someone more obviously visible -- who was also driving action.) Dual protagonists work in buddy movies where both have equal weight (like "Bonnie and Clyde" or "Butch Cassidy and tje Sundance Kid"), or in a family generational movie, where the wand passes on ("Sunshine", 2000, going through fascism and communism) -- or even "Godfather" series). My own "do ask do tell" extract "Williamsburg and Charlotte" does that with my parents and then me. You have to have real transition points to make a switch.