"Hillary: The Movie", distribued by Citizens United ("Crooked Hillary" ???)' Also, "Out-Rage"

"Hillary: The Movie" (with unseen footage from "Path to 9/11"): outside the campaign finance reform law?

Hillary: The Movie" (directed by Alan Peterson) was distributed by a group called “Citizens United” (and made with the “Lincoln Group of Orange County”) in early 2008, as the presidential primaries were beginning. (It would eventually be shown on Hulu.) It seems apparent that when the movie was made, she was considered much more likely to become the nominee than Barack Obama or anyone else (like John Edwards), and bid to become the first female president. The film, though apparently from conservative and GOP sources, appears to want to see another Democratic nominee than Hillary, probably because she was thought to be the strongest at first. The website is this. Another related site is "No Hillary Clinton" and this site describes many of the "characters" in the film.

The opening of the movie says that she will not say what she believes. They say she is more liberal than she lets on, but that she has a superiority complex and wants to make ordinary Americans dependent on big government.

“That’s how she will get to power: by accusing the Republicans of running a plantation.”

Tony Blankley from The Washington Times appears, to accuse the Clintons as being ruthless against enemies.

Then the event of the travel office firings (“Travelgate”) is presented, with the travails of Billy Dale and his family members (one references is here).

Robert Novak appears to say that the Clintons used the IRS to go after political enemies.

Jared Stern talks about being hired to perform a clandestine operation (the Kathleen Willey affair).

The movie talks about her “Machiavellian Behavior” as related to her helping her husband cover up his affairs or “disturbing behavior”.

Conservative author Mark Levin appears to say that the media always gave her a pass.

Then the film goes into the Hollywood fundraisers and the recruiting of “rainmakers.”

There is a humorously conceived picture of a check written out of a Merrill Lynch “Cash Management Account” or CMA.

Aaron Tonken, a former Clinton fundraiser, gives an interview from prison (source) It’s odd that a felon makes a comment that Hillary did not check or care about his character. The film then says that Hillary’s conniving take plot turns that “no screenwriter could imagine”. The polygraph of Peter Paul is shown. Hillary thanks Paul and Tonken for their “hard work” on a Hollywood fund-raising gala.

The film goes on to interview residents of Clinton, NY.

The movie briefly discusses her 1993 health care plan, and characterizes it as European style socialized medicine with long waiting lists and probable rationing. It is probably a right-wing’s answer to Michael Moore’s Sicko

Cyrus Nowrasteh, writer ABC’s “The Path to 9/11” ((David Cunningham as director), discusses how the Clintons got his movie censored by ABC, and three minutes of deleted footage is shown here, claiming that Bill Clinton blew it on the chance to get Osama bin Laden. The DVD is not yet available on Netflix.

That movie covers the bombing at Fraunces Tavern in New York, from the FALN (a Puerto Rican radical group), in 1975, against “capitalist pigs”. Hillary was approached in 1999 to get her husband to pardon the FALN terrorists.

There was a legal debate over whether financing and advertising the movie before the 2008 election violated to McCain-Feingold Finance Law. There is a story in the Washington Times, “’Hillary: The Movie’ case spurs free speech debate,” March 24, 2009. Was the advertisement campaign for the film part of a political contribution, or a “campaign” to sell tickets? Similar questions about political blogging had been raised in 2004. What about “political” movies? What about a political movie marketed as fiction?

At the end, the film maintains that family dynasties are not good for democracy, and it admits that this would be true even of the Bush “dynasty.”

I'm surprised that the film didn't cover the Vince Foster case.

“Character is defined by what we do when we think no one is looking.”


In the case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission> The Supreme Court eventually turned down parts of the way FEC wanted to interpret McCain-Feingold under strict scrutiny for the First Amendment. The current SCOTUS would probably concur.

Special News Update: May 2

CNN has been discussing the new documentary called "Out-Rage" from Magnolia Pictures, starting May 8, 2009 in theaters. The movie, directed by Kirby Dick, deals with closeted Congressional aides and politicians. The movie poster has "Do Ask Do Tell" (the title of my two books and the domain name of my largest website) underneath the title, but it sounds apt. I'll review it here as soon as I can see it. The Magnolia link is here. The movie link (from CNN) seems to be here.

Don't confuse the Kirby Dick film with an unrelated thriller from Ace Cruz and Spirit Films, "Outrage", with Michael Madsen, website here. (The domain name doesn't have the article "the" in the text.) I'll try to track this one down and see it, too.

(Sept. 10, 2022): I don't see evidence that I saw it but I'll keep looking. The trailer talks about outing conservative politicians. If the DADT banner really was used extensively in public, I need to know about it, but I don't recall ever seeing it, at least as of right now.