Abortion, 12–13, 20, 23, 71; mentioned 37, 54, 69
Adarand Constructors v. Pena, 46
Advocates for Self-Government, 49
Aesthetic realism, 13, 77, 78, 85
Affirmative rights, 2
AIDS, 8, 9, 16, 24, 25, 62, 81, 83; mentioned 12, 22, 32, 33, 37, 56,
57, 80
Amy, Douglas, 59
Bakke v. University of California, 46
Barron v. Baltimore, 87
Bear arms, right to, 44, 54
Bill of Rights, 2, 14, 18, 19, 33, 34, 42, 45, 62, 67–69, 70;
enumerated, 42, 70–72; history, 66, 85-86; mentioned 50, 60
Bowers v. Hardwick, 2, 19, 23, 67, 80
Burr, Chandler, 73
Child Online Protection Act, 38
City of Richmond v. J. A. Croson Co., 46
Communications Decency Act (CDA), 37–39
Copyright, 34–35, 80
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy for gays in the military, 8, 17, 25–26,
73–74; mentioned 32
Drugs, legalization of, 7, 21, 80
Due Process of law, 23, 26, 42–43, 44, 67–69, 72, 73; mentioned, 9
Eminent domain, 43, 68
Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), 27, 47–48, 75, 82–83
Family bed, 6, 52
Family leave, 55
F.C.C. v. Pacifica, 39
Free speech, 31–40, 73, 80–81, 82; mentioned 2, 26, 30, 41, 60, 64
Fundamental rights, 2, 23, 28, 53
Gambling, 22, 29, 80
Gaziano, Tom, 46
Gilder, George, 13
Global warming, 1, 7, 62
Guanier, Lani, 59
Hammond, Mac, 6
Hate crime, 81
Homosexuality, 82, 83, 84; immutability hypothesis, 22, 27, 28, 29, 56,
75, 78, 83, 85
Invasion of privacy, 35–36, 75, 81
Kennedy, Caroline, 29
Libel, 35, 40
Libertarianism, 8, 29, 30, 32, 43, 60, 63, 65, 77–79, 79–84
Marriage, same-sex, 2, 27, 28, 82, 85
Marry, right to, 27–28, 67
Miranda rights, 42, 68
Private Property Rights Implementation Act, 43
Probable cause, 42, 68
Procedural due process, 23, 42, 67–68, 72
Promise Keepers, 6
Proportional representation, 59–60
Prostitution, 22, 80
Publicity rights, 33, 35, 37
Rand, Ayn, 12
Regnier, Tom, 77
Religious Freedom Amendment (proposed - Istook), 72
Romer v. Evans, 29, 47, 60, 80
Rotello, Gabriel, 24
Self-ownership, 1, 2, 4–10, 13, 41, 51, 53, 62–66, 75, 77, 84
Self-publishing, 31, 33–34
Sexual ecology, 7, 24, 76
Social rights, 58, 67
Sodomy laws, 23, 29, 56, 80
Sovereign immunity, 26, 43
Spielberg, Steven, 15
Steffan, Joseph, 25; mentioned 8, 32
Substantive due process, 23, 42, 67–69
Terrorism, 1, 9
Thomasson v. Perry, 17
World Wide Web, 33
World’s Smallest Political Quiz, 49