Do Ask, Do Tell, A Gay Conservative Lashes Back: Table of Contents and HTML links

(Note: For the other two books see access link to browse contents and obtain link for purchase information). (blogger link removed)

The major book (the first book, originally written in the mid 1990s) is

Do Ask, Do Tell: A Gay Conservative Lashes Back - Individualism, Identity, Personal Rights, Responsibility and Community in a Libertarian Third Millennium

Consolidated footnote files (electronic book style) for each chapter are now available, linked from each chapter, to include new material since original 1997 publication. The file names are wchap1 thru wchap6 and are linked from the files xchap1 thru xchap6 respectively (as given below).The consolidated footnotes for any chapter may be toggled with the chapter with forward and back buttons in a browser.

Page numbers are as in the commercial edition (350 pages, 6-1/2 x 9). Readers with the slightly longer manuscript edition (254 pages 8-1/2 x 11) can locate the physical pages by relationship to the footnote numbers. All text in the manuscript edition is included here. Consolidated footnotes can be correlated to the individual chapters.

The Chapters 1 through 6 on (below) now have direct html links to all internal footnotes as original published.

In the following table of contents, the first number is the page number of the 350-page commercial edition; the second is the 254-page manuscript addition (which has slightly more text).The third number, in brackets, refers to the 2000 iUniverse printing, which has larger type.

It is recommended that newer browsers be used (IE 5.0 or Netscape 4.6). Older browsers may not present all special characters correctly. For example, the em dash may be printed as a 3/4 in Netscape 3.0.

It is possible to browse the new printing of DADT from at Please search for author = "Boushka". The exact URL (as of 1/2001) is


Backcover: Back Cover (effectively, dust-jacket) of book (available soft-cover only)

Quote page: Quote from Hamlet

Acknowledgements and other author's notes.

Introduction: You Didn't Ask, But I'll Tell Anyway - 1 (1) [I]

 Chapter 1: Don't Ask, Don't Tell: 1961 - 8 (5)[1]

(Summary at achap1 -- to be constructed

    1. A Warm Fall - 8 (5) [1]
    2. Initiations - 11 (7) [6]
    3. House and Home, and Family Trips - 17 (11)[15]
    4. Tribunals - 23 (15) [25]
    5. Therapy 101 - 27 (18)[31]

Chapter 2: Sputnik, the Draft and the Proles: 1968 - 34 (23) [41]

(Summary at achap2 to be supplied

    1. South Carolina ("S.C.") - 34 (23)[41]
    2. Greetings - 36 (24)[44]
    3. White Resigns - 43 (29)[54]
    4. Mount Oread (at the University of Kansas) - 49 (33) [63]
    5. "God-Damn" Reception Station Scoops up College Grads - 56 (38)[74]
    6. This is Basic Trainin' ! - 58 (39)[76]
    7. Prepare to Rush! Rush! - 60 (40)[80]
    8. Special Training Company - 64 (43) [87]
    9. A Direct Commission (Denied) for a Bad Detail Man - 67 (45)[91]
    10. McNamara and Remembrance - 69 (46)[95]
    11. Safe Place for a Chickenman's Revenge - 72 (48)[99]
    12. Is the Cold War Really Over? - Hamlet - 79 (53)[109]

Chapter 3: My Second Coming: 1973-1992 - 80 (55)[113]

(Summary at achap3 to be supplied

    1. Shaved Mountains - 80 (55) [113]
    2. Straight - 83 (56) [117]
    3. A "Free" Gay Talk Group - 84 (57)[120]
    4. The Ninth Street Center - 86 (59) [123] ; (04B) - Stay Home a Bit More - 97 (66) [139]
    5. To Men of Earth - 104 (71) [149]
    6. Don't Hide Your Skin: What We Don't Hear about Religion and Homosexuality - 107 (73) [153]
    7. AIDS Is Seen as a Result of Too Much Freedom and Lack of Marital Commitment - 116


    1. A Paradox of Meaning - 128 (88)[184]
    2. Real Families and Potential Idols - 136 (93)[196]

Chapter 4: Don't Ask, Don't Tell: 1993 - 140 (97)[201]

(Summary at achap4 to be supplied)

    1. Honor Bound - 140 (97) [201]
    2. From the Pentagon Lawn over which McNamara Had Proctored - 145 (100)[208]
    3. Senator Sam Nunn Wears Scratchy Woolens before Breakfast - 150 (103)[214]
    4. It Takes More than the Stroke of a Pen - 154 (106)[220]
    5. The Washington Times - 163 (112)[232]
    6. Whose Inauguration Is This, Anyway? - 164 (113)[234]
    7. Billclinton's Early Spring - 169 (116)[241]
    8. Walkin' In the Sunshine (the Great March on Washington) - 171 (118) [244]
    9. Basic Training II: My Own Submarine "Familiarization" - 179 (123) [255]
    10. Live and Let Live - 182 (125)[261]
    11. An "Honorable Compromise" - 189 (130)[271]
    12. The "New" Policy (with "Gay" Defined in United States Code) - 192 (132)[276]
    13. Even If It's Constitutional, That Doesn't Mean It's Good - 204 (140) [293]
    14. Conclusions - 219 (151) [313]

Chapter 5: Telling with Pride and Fending for Yourself: 1997 - 225 (157)[321]

(Summary at achap5 to be supplied

    1. Gays and Lesbians for Individual Liberty (GLIL) - 225 (157) [321]
    2. Government Shouldn't Legislate Morality - 228 (159) [325]
    3. Family Values, Marriage and Individual "Lifestyle" Choice - 239 (166) [341]
    4. Let's Build a Fair and Prosperous Workplace (includes ENDA) - 259 (179) [367]
    5. "Equal Rights for Gays" Is a Special Case of Human Rights - 282 (195) [396]

Chapter 6: A Right to Privacy Amendment (2004?) - 293 (203)[411]

Summary at achap6 to be supplied

    1. Be Very Afraid - 293 (203) [411]
    2. Renovate the Bill of Rights - 303 (209)[423]
    3. A Constitutional Convention? - 315 (218) [442]

(Endnotes in iUnverse version)[449]

Appendices - 320 (223) [525]

Bibliography - 334 (241) [547]

Selected Index - 344 (249) [n/a]

Corrections File

Master links

Direct links to consolidated footnote files:Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6

The same references exist on thru xchap6. On those versions the following description applies:

Note: Most of these files (except the Introduction and Appendix) have footnotes. Footnotes appear at the end of each file and are separately accessible through HTML tags. Footnote numbers appear as integers in the text with no space in front. (e.g. "Boushka1" would refer to Footnote 1.) HPPUB plans to improve the footnoting mechanism in the online publications in the future. Footnotes added since 1997 may be browsed from "moorefoot.htm" (see link). You can toggle three files at the same time by bookmarking the original chapter and footnotes (xchap4.htm, xchap4.htm#footnotes, morefoot.htm#chap4) and using (in Netscape and IE advanced) back and forward markers.

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